Changing careers
Having a job for life is very much a thing of the past. Research shows that the average person will be making a career change about 5-7 times during their working life.The 4 top reasons for changing careers or jobs are:
- Career progression - the next big step in salary, challenge or opportunity for promotion
- Negative experience at work - too much stress, a bad boss or feeling unappreciated
- External factors - redundancy, moving countries or states or health problems
- Improving work conditions - more security, less hours or less boring work
Making the next step can be quite challenging. Experts advise that you should always try to move closer to a job that uses your natural gifts and abilities. But knowing what direction to take and what options you have can be difficult specially in a new country.
Why not talk to one of our Pathways Advisors for advice!
Making the next step can be quite challenging. Experts advise that you should always try to move closer to a job that uses your natural gifts and abilities. But knowing what direction to take and what options you have can be difficult specially in a new country.
Why not talk to one of our Pathways Advisors for advice!
Free training for NSW students
Great news for our NSW clients: TAFE Western Sydney is offering FREE training in selected subject areas from now until December 2015. Some of those courses are offered online through OTEN.
- Must be 15 years old or older
- No longer at school
- Live or work in NSW
- an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen.
Volunteering does not earn you money so it's a waste of time. Right! Think again ... Here are some benefits:
- Gain valuable experience
- Meet people, form meaningful relationships and make friends
- Increase your self-confidence
- Improve your English and communication skills
- Learn about the Australian culture
- Feel good for helping others and your community
- Combat depression and keep physically and mentally healthy
- Bring you a step closer to paid employment
- Bring you a step closer to paid employment
So whether it is helping at your child's school, the local sports club, a charity organisation, your church or a local hospital why not put your hand up and take up the challenge.
You can look up the Internet for volunteering jobs in your local council.
You can look up the Internet for volunteering jobs in your local council.
If you are a job seeker you will be aware that the Australian government introduced new employment services called "Jobactive".
Most job seekers will now need to complete a certain number of hours per week of Work for the Dole or an approved activity. This may include:
- part time work
- voluntary work
- part time study in an eligible course
- participation in accredited language, literacy and numeracy course
Studying with the AMEP, in class or by distance learning, is an approved activity. If you need evidence of your participation in the program contact the Pathways Advisor.
Top 10 Body Language Mistakes Interviewees Make
- Failing to make eye contact
- Failing to smile
- Playing with something on the table
- Having bad posture
- Fidgeting too much in their seat
- Crossing their arms over their chest
- Playing with their hair or touching their face
- Having a weak handshake
- Using too many hand gestures
- Having a handshake that is too strong
- Do you focus on what you say at job interviews that you forget your body language?
- Which body language mistake would you like to avoid?
- How can you get rid of bad body language habits?
- Can you think of examples where body language in Australia is different from your culture?
Job Interview Practice Sessions
Job interviews are a test of your character, your ability to perform under pressure and how well you communicate face to face.
They offer you an opportunity to shine and show why they should hire you, an opportunity
to "sell yourself" as we say in Australia. This means it's a chance to prove you are a worthwhile product, a good investment for the company.
Good interviews do not just happen. You need to prepare well for them. Like a test you'll never really know what you'll be asked but you can predict and do your best to be ready.
We are offering an additional 2 hourly practice sessions with an experienced teacher if you need help with job interview skills.
If interested let your DL teacher know and we will contact you to organise these sessions.
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