Sunday, June 28, 2015


Juda - Level 3 Student

Juda from South Australia

I just want to share the story of how I met the challenges of my life in Australia…

I decided to go to a playgroup for my daughter and I attended an AMEP course as a Distance Learning Student because TAFE is a long drive from where I am.  Being a DL student makes me feel confident to talk. Later on I decided to get a job as a housekeeper in a hotel, and now I have a lot of friends and I am very happy.

Thanks Juda for sharing your Harmony Day story.

  • What is helping you or can help you settle in Australia? (Why not add your comments here!)
  • What is a playgroup? Is there one near your home? 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


We are very interested in any feedback you have.  Your feedback helps us understand what you need so that we can improve your experience with Distance Learning.

You can give us your feedback in one of these ways:
  1. Client Satisfaction Surveys - Your teacher will send you the link from time to time
  2. Talk to one of our Pathways Advisors 
  3. The Feedback section of the DL Portal website:
  4. The Feedback section of this blog
We will be happy to answer your questions or comments.  Here are 2 comments we received from the Client Satisfaction Survey:

Can you recommend some books about pronunciation for me?
This will depend on your level and what problem areas you need to work on.  One helpful way is to practise saying minimal pairs which are two words that sound the same except for one sound only and they are often confusing to the language learner.  Examples berry/very or bed/bad.  Try this website to help you listen and practise:

I would prefer to include more grammar in the books.
Under Links on this blog we have saved useful English language websites on our Wiki.  There you can find lots of grammar exercises to practise.  Look for Grammar in the green section on the left of the website.