

First interview your teacher then your teacher can interview you. Next choose an activity. Finally email your writing,  photo and consent form to your teacher.
The best writing and interviews will be included on the Blog. 

1. Sonia's interview Harmony Day interview AUDIO
2. Whole interview : Interview transcript
3. Calendar of cultural and religious dates link here
4. Interview and photo consent form click HERE 

Level 1

Activity 1:Interview 
   Ask your teacher the questions. Then your teacher will ask you.
1. Where do you come from?
2. What festivals or special days are in your culture?
3.What is your favourite festival? 
4. In your country what do people do on this day?
6. What food do they eat?
7. What special clothes do they wear?
8. Tell me about a a time you celebrated this day in Australia?

Activity 2: Record your ideas.
  Choose 1 activity
  1. Practise your interview then ask your teacher to record it on Zoom or Skype MP3 recorder.
  2. Can you find your festival in the calendar on the Harmony Day website (see no.3 in resources)
  3. Write a recount about a special day you celebrated in Australia. Here is an example  recount about Mother's Day in Australia. Click HERE to open then click on download.

Level 2 

Activity 1: Listening

Listen to Sonia's interview for the answers to these questions. (No 1 in Resources)

  1. Where is Sonia from?
  2. what are two celebrations in Sonia's culture?
  3. What are three things people do to celebrate?
  4. What will teachers at her work do on Harmony day?
  5. What is her mother tongue?
  6. What does Sonia wear outside of work and on special occasions?
Activity 2 Interview
  1. What is your home country?
  2. What festivals or special days are celebrated in your culture?
  3. What is your favourite celebration?
  4. What do people do on this day and where do they go?
  5. Do you know any a story or legend about this day?
  6. How have you celebrated this special day in Australia?

Activity 3 Speak or write
Choose an activity
  1. Practise your interview then record it on Zoom or Skype MP3. 
  2. Write your answer to interview questions 3 and 4 in the comments box below. 
  3. Write a recount about a special day you celebrated in Australia.
  4. Read the story about Chinese New Year. Click on the link then download or print to do the activities The story of Chinese New Year 
  5. Write a recount about a story or legend from one of your celebrations. 
Level 3 
Activity 1: Listening
Listen to Sonia's Interview and write the answers to these questions. 

  1. Which country is Sonia from?
  2. What was the main influence on her country's culture and traditions?
  3. What are 3 things which created a unique Bangali culture?
  4. What are 3 things that make a celebration complete?
  5. According to Sonia, what is harmony?
  6. Why does Sonia think that people living in Australia are very lucky?
  7. What has she learned from mixing with people from other cultural backgrounds in Australia?
Activity 2: Interview

Interview your teacher. Then your teacher will interview you. 
  1. Can you tell me a little about your home country?
  2. What are some special days or festivals you celebrate in your country?
  3. Can you tell me something about your favourite celebration?
  4. How do you keep your traditions alive in Australia?
  5. How do you maintain your culture on a daily basis?
  6. When have you shared your culture with people from other cultural backgrounds?
  7. What have you learnt by talking with people from other backgrounds in Australia?
Extension Questions
7. People say cultural diversity is important for Australia. Why do you think this is so?
8. Sonia says in question 2, "harmony is central to my existence".What is central to your existence?

Activity 3: Speak or write
 Choose 1 activity
  1. Practise your interview then ask your teacher to record it on Zoom or Skype MP3 recorder.
  2. Write one of your interview answers in the comments box below.
  3. Choose one of the above questions and write an extended response.
  4. Write a narrative of a special celebration you enjoyed in Australia.


  1. The Persian New Year is called Norooz and marks the first day of spring. Norooz celebrates renewal and rebirth, symbolized by the coming of spring. It is an ancient holiday that was celebrated thousands of years ago. Now, it is also an important Iranian cultural holiday. This year, Norooz falls on Monday, March 20 . Happy Norooz

    1. Thank you Shiva for adding a comment. I hope you enjoyed your celebration yesterday!!

    2. Hi Shiva
      Happy Norooz to you and your family and all Iranian in the world
      My wife and I went to Iran last month to celebrate Norooz with our family we had a good time with them and I hope you would be with your family next Norooz and enjoy that

  2. Happy Norooz to Shiva and all our students from Iran, Afghanistan and the region who celebrate it. May you and your families have a very healthy and happy year ahead.

  3. My favorite celebration is Christmas in the Philippines. We celebrate a lot and usually prepare for family gatherings for a long time. From 16th of December to 25th we go to the mass every night. I was surprised at the Christmas party at my work where we had a simple dinner and a lovely chat. But in my country it would be a big celebration with lots more preparation.

  4. Cultural diversity is important for Australia because it’s a part of Australia’s culture. We’are proud to have many different people from different nationalities, religions and backgrounds who all live in peace.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
