Sunday, June 18, 2017

Ayan celebrates World Refugee Day

Refugee Week, Sunday 18th June -Saturday 24th June, is a time to raise awarenes of issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. Originally celebrated in 1986, Refugee Week coincides with World Refugee Day on the 20th June. The theme is "With courage let us all combine", from the second verse of the Australian national anthem.This week we have a special story from a courageous Navitas Distance Learning student, Ayan, who tells us why she loves to celebrate Refugee Day.

"There are many celebrations in Somalia, but I don’t celebrate them. I celebrate World Refugee Day, because I don’t remember much about my country. I left when I was only 8 and I grew up in a refugee camp.

World Refugee Day is celebrated on June 20th each year. The website says “It honours the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict, and violence.” I was one of these people!

Why is it important to me? When we came to Kenya, we had nothing – no food, no clothing. We didn’t even know where we were going. They gave us a tent and some blankets, clean water to drink and food – I think it was maize. That day we believed we were going to get a new life – we were without hope before that. We were there for three years.

Then the government closed the camp because it was too close to the border. We moved further inland to a place called Hager-Dher. We stayed there for 15 years. Life got better and better. There was nothing there – you couldn’t grow anything or keep animals there, but we had peace and teachers came and taught the kids. My mother started a little market.We always celebrated World Refugee Day in the camp. That’s why I can’t forget that day. There were many nationalities there – Sudanese, Eritreans – and we all celebrated together.

Now I live in Brisbane and we do the same thing. We meet at a big park. There are so many nationalities. Each country does its traditional dance. The young people don’t usually join in, because they were born here. But we older people, we remember. I sometimes feel happy, sometimes emotional on this day. Emotional because I remember life before the refugee camp and in the refugee camp. But then, I remember where I am today and I feel happy because I have a better life. I never thought I would have this chance." 

Thank you Ayan for sharing your story of hope and courage with your DL classmates.We really admire your determination. Feel free to write to Ayan in the comments box below.

CSWE 1-3
1. Why is World Refugee Day important to Ayan?
2. What gave Ayan hope in the refugee camps?
3. Why do you think it's important to celebrate Refugee Week in Australia?

CSWE 2-3 
Click HERE to watch a video on refugees starting their own business. Choose one refugee story and discuss the questions with your teacher.
1. What business are they starting up?
2. What will help them start the business?
3. What will they need to overcome to make the business a success?

Click on the link HERE to read about the achievements of the 2017 Refugee Week Ambassadors.Choose 1 story to discuss with your teacher.
1. What country are they from?
2. Why do you think they were chosen as ambassadors?
3. Why is it important to promote the success of refugees in Australia?


  1. Hi Ayan thanks for sharing about the celebration of refugee day . As you mentioned this day is very important for the refugees, because it helps to remember what they passed through and what they have now and it encourages them to better life .

  2. Hi Ayan, thank you for sharing your great story with us. Today I showed your story to my students who have also come to Australia as refugees. Your story has been a great encouragement for them, knowing that they should be proud of their "courage, strength and determination to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict, and violence.” It's also a good reminder to all of us about what we have embraced here in Australia - peace, security, life, hope and future. Thanks again, Ayan.

  3. Hi Ayan, your story teaches us to be thankful for all the privileges we take for granted. Thank you for sharing your story and for helping to put our own lives into perspective. I cannot help admire the enormous courage and hope embodied by the refugees. It is very important to have awareness and empathy for the diversity of people who make up the Australian society.

  4. Hi Ayan, thank you for your story! It's good to know that you kept strong after all what you went thru. Hopefully your life will just get better from now. Wishing you and all refugees to find themselves in their new home!

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