Sunday, May 14, 2017

Kris celebrates a special mother

Kris, DL Student
Last Sunday, 14th May, we celebrated Mother's Day in Australia. Like many of us, DL student Kris had the opportunity to honour her mother and remember the important role she played in her life, as she tells us her story.

Hi, I am Kris. I come from the Philippines and I'm the youngest of four siblings. Growing up, my life was simple. We were raised by a single mother who tried hard to make ends meet.

When I was a student, I remember experiencing many challenges: illness, loss of a loved one and other setbacks due to our tight financial situation.  But I never gave up.

After I finished my Bachelor degree in Economics in 2012, I had my first job as a Bank Teller. I was then able to help my mum who made so many sacrifices for us and also help other members of my family.

I am so proud of my mum who was able to send us all to school. One of my brothers is now a doctor, the other one is an agriculturist and my sister is a nurse. Nothing is impossible if your family works as a team. No matter how tough things get, you will be able to achieve your goals.

I moved to Australia in March 2015 and I got married to the man that I love. A few months later I had a job as a Personal Care Worker in a nursing home which I really enjoy. Now, I am a mother of a healthy and happy 8-month-old baby boy.

My dream is to get a degree in Pharmacy after I become a permanent resident. I am glad that my DL teacher Maha is helping me and sharing her knowledge and experience with me.

Thank you Kris for sharing your inspirational story with us and we wish you all the best for your family and career. We also wish all the DL mothers happiness and success. 

  • What role does the mother play in the family?
  • Has the role of mothers changed over the years? Why/why not?
  • What challenges do modern day mothers face?


  1. Hi Kris, your story highlights the power of education to transform lives! A great story! Your mother had the wisdom and commitment to do everything she could to make your lives good - she sounds amazing! And well done to the rest of the family for working so well together. Each of you has played a significant role in your family. I'm sure you will continue to rise towards achieving your dreams. Thank you! All the very best.

  2. Hi Kris, your story is really uplifting. You are blessed to have such a strong and wonderful mother who understood the value of education and contributed to help her children get educated. You also have a close knit family who have striven together in difficult times and worked as a perfect team. Thank you for sharing such a touching story of a mother and of your success. I am sure that you have it in you to reach your own personal goals.

  3. Hi Kris, your story is very exciting.You have a great mother.Hope you will realise your dream soon.

  4. Hi Kris, your story is really encouraging! Having such a good mother is a blessing. Your mother is so intelligent as she knew what her children needed, which is a good education.Hope every mother will be like yours.

  5. Hi Kris
    Wonderful story. Your Mum has done a wonderful job! She is a great role model for you and her way of raising her children will help you raise yours as responsible, educated people useful for community.

  6. Thank you Kris for your inspirational story. You have a devoted and brave mother. I hope I can someday be a mother like her.

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