Sunday, March 26, 2017

My journey to become an Australian citizen

Last week we learnt about Australian cultural diversity. This week your teacher may also work with you to complete a writing activity or recording an interview on Harmony Day. The best articles which will become part of a future blog post. 

This week we read about a DL student, whose  pride and love of Australia drew her to become an Australian citizen.

My name is Emily and I am from Taiwan. I have been in Australia for 5 years and recently received my Australian Citizenship Certificate on Australia Day. I would like to share with you how I gained my citizenship and the highlights of the citizenship ceremony.

I started my citizenship preparation 1 month before the examination day. The first thing I did was go to my local town hall to get the resource book Australian Citizenship – Our Common Bond. I spent 1 week reading this, then downloaded an App called Australian Citizenship Test Practice to my smartphone. After that, I spent half an hour a day using the App to practice the test questions. I felt confident by doing this practice. On the examination day, I was well prepared and passed the test on my first go.

Emily's local newspaper
 There were a few factors that made my citizenship ceremony such a special day.  First of all, the ceremony was on Australia Day, 26 January 2017 and it was a  glorious day with bright blue sky and brilliant sunshine. Secondly, my parents-in-law drove all the way from Victoria to South Australia to attend my ceremony.  It was wonderful to have my family there to share my happiness. Another factor was that I was the only Asian among the 36 new citizens. Finally it was  not just my citizenship ceremony, but also everybody celebrated Australia Day. We had the local mayor lead us in singing Advance Australia Fair and we read out the pledge together. During the ceremony we had some Australian signature food- sausages with bread, pavlova and pancakes with jam. We all experienced the Australia Day spirit.

The following week, surprisingly, I saw an article in the local newspaper. It was titled ‘Gawler welcomes record new citizens’ with a photo of our group and the mayor. The mayor said that she thought of the positive impacts that new citizens make in the community, “I think that it will enrich our community, I always think of the different food we get to experience. Over time, understanding different cultures and welcoming people from different parts of the world into our community will make us stronger.”  For me, it was such a wonderful day that gave me a lot of great memories. I am proud to say, I am an Australian. Ozi ozi ozi! Oi oi oi!    

Would you like to know more about the citizenship test? Click to go to the Australian Citizenship resources HERE.

  • Why do some people want to become Australian Citizens?
  • If you wanted to become an Australian citizen would you use the App to study?
  • The new citizens ate Australian signature food -sausages on bread and pavlova. What do you think is a typical Australian dish?


  1. Congratulations Emily! Well done!

  2. I feel very touched and proud to read my own story. If I can help any other students by describing my journey to become an Australian citizen, I will be very happy.

    1. Hi Emily I was wondering why you wanted to become an Australian citizen?

    2. HI Bella, thanks for your message. I like my life style here in Australia. The reason that why I wanted to become an Australian citizen is because I love this country and want to become part of the country.

  3. Hi Emily Congratulations! How lovely to share the day with your parents-in-law too! I'm impressed by your preparation for citizenship - and to get into the local paper too! Wow! I hope you keep a copy and frame it! It's funny when we talk about Australian food these days as it has become so multicultural but I still love having a pavlova occasionally - have you ever made one?

  4. It's difficult these days to define "a typical Australian dish", maybe it means a dish many people enjoy throughout the year. One favourite I think is still the baked dinner. Roast lamb chicken or beef and lots of roast veggies.Yum

  5. Congratulations Emily! You have done well. I hope you enjoy being Australian because its a privilege and an honor I hope you are able to contribute your nation stronger.

  6. Hi Emily, congratulations! I really want to become an Australian Citizen too because people are very friendly, compassionate and full of empathy. Australia is such a peaceful country and I like my children to grow up here.

  7. What a happy story to share Emily! I am sure a lot of our students will find hope and courage from your story of success as many are in the process of becoming Australian citizens in the near future. Your dedication and commitment in preparing yourself for the Citizenship test is also motivational. Congratulations.

  8. Congratulations Emily! This is an important stage in the life of a person who wants to live in Australia. It is very pleasant to feel like a full citizen. Thank you very much for sharing your experience in preparing for this event. I still have three years left before this event, but I will definitely take your advice.

  9. Congratulations Emily on your success and thank you for sharing your story with us. I hope this is the start for greater achievements for you.

  10. I will use the App because it is an easy access wherever I go
    AFAF DL student

  11. Hi Emily, thank you for sharing with us your story. As immigrants it's very important to read about another experience. Congratulation on your citizenship.

  12. HI Emily, congratulations for achieving some of your goals and we are most grateful for you to share your story with us. All the best for the coming days.

  13. Hi Emily, thank you for sharing your experience and giving us an idea about the process of getting an Australian citizenship. Good Luck!

  14. Excellent Story Emily! I think it is wonderful that you have formalised your rights and responsibilities as an Australian and have had your say in choosing your country. Thanks for sharing this wonderful event!

  15. Congratulations Emily, Thank you for sharing your story. I want to have an Australian Citizenship too but I have to wait some years before that. I have already ordered the book and am planning to learn more about Australia.

  16. Hi Emily Congratulations, You have a great story. I can`t wait for the time that I can get my citizenship.

  17. Hi Emily.Congratulations on your citizenship. Thank you for your sharing of your story.

  18. Wonderful story! Thank you for sharing! I got my citizenship 3 months ago. It was a great night and I enjoyed it with my family.

  19. Hi Emily, Congratulations on your citizenship. You did a great job for your life. Thank you for sharing your story.

  20. Congrats with you, Emily. Your story made me think about another 3 years till I'll get the citizenship. Seems it has to wait too long but it's not long so your story helps me to prepare as well. Thanks heap for this information.

  21. Congratulations on getting your citizenship Emily! I feel proud after reading your article as a Taiwanese and I was here in Australia for 5 years too! All the best to your future in Australia.

  22. I can imagine how difficult for you to get Australian Citizenship. So, I would like to say "Good on you!!"

  23. Congratulations Emily,Thanks for sharing and an Application for download. It will be very helpful to me in the future, when I have to go to test for Australian Citizenship.I hope you enjoy your life style in Australia.

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