Sunday, March 12, 2017

My struggles made me independent

Tara, Navitas Auburn
My name is Tara and I come from Nepal.  I was a housewife in Nepal and I worked as a volunteer in aged care.  I came to Australia on a spouse visa because my husband was studying in Australia. My English wasn't good and I had no confidence in myself. I found it very hard to communicate with people or find a job.

Life was extremely hard.  I had to work as a mushroom and chilli picker in a very far away farm.  It took me 2 hours to get to work in extremely cold conditions. I still remember the days where I would cry from being so tired and feeling sorry for myself.  But there was nothing I could do. I needed the money.

After getting my permanent visa I was pleased to start my AMEP English classes at Navitas college in Auburn.  There, I could not only improve my English but also develop my job seeking skills and most importantly my self -confidence.

I was determined to work hard and never give up.  I started at Level 2 and within 3 months I progressed to Level 3.  I also completed Certificate III in Aged Care, hoping it would help me find work but this wasn't easy.

Thanks to my classroom teachers and my DL teacher, Claudette.  She designs the DL lessons to suit my needs. She helped me apply for jobs online and prepared me well for job interviews by practising during the lessons.  I have recently got a job as a Carer in a retirement village.  I am very proud of how far I've come and feel that through all my struggles I have become an independent woman.

Congratulations Tara on your success. What a wonderful story of determination and hard work!
  • How do personal struggles help us grow and be stronger?
  • What is the hardest job you've ever had and what did you learn from the experience?
  • Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years time?
Your comments will help build our DL community.


  1. Congratulations Tara! You are a strong woman who never gives up in difficult times. Your story is a lesson for me. Thank you!

  2. It's a very inspiring experience Tara, well done. I'm happy that you reached your goal even you struggled at the beginning.

  3. My story is a bit similar to yours. I worked at a farm picking tomatoes for 2 years. Now I am working at ALDI. It's a big step forward for me. DL has help me become more confident in job interviews and I believe in the future I will find a job in my field which is administration. Wish you luck in your new job.

  4. Congratulation Tara, Well done...

  5. Thank you for your good story! It is really encouraging to hear a such brave lady who managed to established well her new life though she passed through many difficult moments! Suffering is not the end of life! Let's always be people with hope of achieving something positive by working hard to improve our life. Thanks to all.

  6. This was an inspiring story. Congratulations on having a job as a carer! I also feel that I have gained a lot of confidence and become an independent woman.

  7. Life is not easy for migrants, especially if you have a limited level of English. Congratulations Tara on having achieved so much in such short time through persistence and hard work! You are an inspiration to us all!

  8. First of all, congratulations Tara for the new chapter in your life.
    I'm a new student joining DL for the first time and hoping Dl will help me to
    change my occupation so reading your article has been motivational. Thank you.

  9. That's a brave journey Tara. You have come a long way and there is no looking back from now on. Wish you all the best.

  10. Tara, I admire your courage and perseverance. I am really happy for you with your new job. Well-done.

  11. Tara Good to hear your story! My goal is also to improve my speaking and one day soon start my own business.

  12. Good on you Tara for pushing yourself to be successful when it was so difficult. I can only imagine how hard I would find it if I had to move to Nepal, learn Nepali and get a job! I love Nepal and have been there 3 times but not for a very long time. The retirement village is very lucky to have you working for them. Hope your job continues to go well!

  13. thanks for your story, I too would like to work in aged care, hopefully within five year.

  14. You are a brave woman, Tara. I have learnt a lot from you.

  15. Good story Tara! Thank you for telling us.

  16. Congratulation Tara, Thank you for your inspirational story. Me too, I want to improve my english skills to gain more confidence to speak well and to find a good job someday.

  17. I struggled in English too. Thanks for your story, Tara. It's a very good experience. well done. I am a student joint DL for a while and I improve it a lot. I hope I could reach my goal soon.

  18. Thanks for a very good story.It's inspired me to work hard on my job and my English skills. Sometimes I feel a lack of confidence but when I look back at the beginning of my life in Australia I have no regrets. Life is not easy but you can do everything you want if you don't give up. Good on you Tara. Cheers!

  19. Thanks Tara your story encourages me a lot. I have a similar situation like yours. Reading your story, I can feel how hard time you had before you learn the
    AMEP English program. Now, you can speak English very well and find a good job. Enjoy your new life here.Good Luck.

  20. Well done, Tara. You faced your challenges with determination. Good luck with your job.

  21. Hi,Tara Well done. I read your story just now, you have done a great job Navitas AMEP Programe help your English skills grow up. Best of luck.

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